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Jim Candy
Professional Wrestling Manager Reel

Triple Threat Match
Colin Sheen vs. Jagermeister vs. Seth Coleman

Colin Sheen promo, Route 33 Wrestling

My pro-wrestling story starts at age 6 when I saw my first episode of WWF Smackdown. 17 years of fandom later, I got my first taste of being in the ring with the Renaissance Rumble troupe, and their intensive course, “Pro-Wrestling for the Actor.” With their artistic statement “Pro-Wrestling = THEATRE”, I knew that trainers Joe Grasso and Mike Martin were the right people to show me the ins and outs of the form, and emphasize the critical performative elements of being a wrestler. Several intensives later, I now train regularly with Renaissance Rumble as well as the Baltimore based EWA Pain Factory. Other prior training includes time at the Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, as well as the Monster Factory in Paulsboro, NJ. Match experience includes shows with such companies as EWA (Eastern Wrestling Association), and the West Virginia based Route 33 Wrestling.  

"The Purple Parrot" Colin Sheen

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He is a failed children’s game show contestant who has decided to become a wrestler to redeem himself and prove that he can actually win things sometimes. He always makes sure to keep his trusty Pendant of Life close by for power and inspiration. Signature moves include the Parrot Plunge, where he drags you down to the Pit of Despair with him to finish you off, and the crossface chickenwing, a.k.a the Wing of Fortune. CACAW!

Jim Candy

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Manager of wrestling legends. He’s got the gift of gab- his clients have the gift of jab. He likes winning and isn’t afraid to do whatever it takes to come out on top. And if you join Camp Candy, that’s where you go- straight to the top. Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!

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